CX Quick Tips

Is Human Experience the New Customer Experience?

Today’s shoppers have more choice and freedom than ever before, therefore grabbing their attention has never been more crucial. As a result, providing a positive client experience is critical to a company’s success.

Customer experience research can assist organizations in determining what their target audience truly desires. They frequently discover that attracting new clients and retaining old ones requires more than merely meeting their demands as consumers. They’ve found that they need to provide human experiences and here’s why.

Consumers are only consumers for a small portion of their lives. Consider this: when you’re sipping your morning tea, do you ever think to yourself, “I’m the end-user of this product”? We don’t live our lives as ‘clients’; we’re first and foremost human beings.

We have feelings.

We all have distinct personalities.

So, what exactly does it entail to provide a human experience? And how significant is it about the client experience?

Why is a Human Experience Necessary?

Source: Adoareboard

According to the World Federation of Advertisers, 80% of companies believe they provide excellent customer service. Only 8% of these customers, though, agree. This disconnect between what businesses think they’re offering and how customers feel demonstrates that brands must begin treating customers differently to make them feel more valued.

It is where the value of human experience comes into play.

Businesses that appeal to personal wellbeing outperform the stock market by 133%, according to Meaningful Brands. This global study attempted to highlight how the quality of life and wellbeing interact with brands.

So, to deliver a positive human experience and increase customer engagement, brands must connect with their customers personally, and doing customer experience research is an excellent approach to do so. It allows brands to speak directly with their customers to learn how best to serve them.

What Questions to Ask when Designing for Human Experience (HX)?

It’s a good idea to create an experiential benchmark to evaluate against as a starting point. A successful HR experience can be accomplished by asking a few basic questions.

Q1. What human values and meanings do buyers identify with you beyond price, value, and CX?

 To find out, you’ll need to expand your customer awareness beyond their perceptions of your products, services, and brand. It entails simply going through social media comments, internet reviews, and client feedback to improve outcomes.

Data analytics and behavioral research can be used to delve further into consumer sentiment to disclose the brand’s most intrinsic values, such as fairness, altruism, well-being, stewardship, responsibility, and care, among others.

 Q2. Do your customers think you’re clever for recognizing their human values?

 Ensure you’re collecting their higher-level perceptions when you monitor and listen to consumer replies before, during, and after any experience.

Do they say anything about how your products aid people or solve a societal problem? Do they have anything to say about your sustainability and charity programs, as well as your community service efforts? Are they optimistic about the attitudes of your employees? Do people regard you as a brand that is both fair and compassionate?

Creating a Human Experience through Personalization

Source: Health Consumers NSW

When it comes to customization/ personalization, simply setting automatic emails to address recipients by their first name is no longer sufficient. People want to be treated as individuals rather than cogs in a machine. As a result, when customers choose to engage with a brand, businesses must examine their values, feelings, and objectives while determining what they want.

1. Storytelling

Brands must then examine what tales they can tell, what connections they can make, what experiences they can provide, and what they can do to generate emotion to appeal to people’s humanity. By putting customers at the center of everything they do, businesses will be forced to change how they connect with them.

Brand storytelling is an excellent tool for establishing long-term relationships. Storytelling will elicit emotion and increase client loyalty, resulting in a meaningful relationship and personalization that extends beyond customer service. For example, to influence people’s perceptions of disability, the chocolate company Maltesers launched an advertising campaign based on real-life tales from disabled people. Their sales climbed by 8.1% as a result of this.

2. Direct Communication

Brands must speak directly with their customers to provide a human experience. Brands may adapt and adjust to fulfill their customers’ ever-changing requirements by using real and accurate human insights.

Customer experience research is an excellent method to start a conversation with your consumers and learn what they think and feel about your product or service. It can give you priceless information that will influence how you launch, market, package, and price your products.

Which Research Methods Help Inform HR Decisions?

Many aspects of human experience lack a well-defined analytical framework. Research validation can provide valuable insights to support even the most abstract human connections when strategizing around the human experience.

Quantitative surveys give complex data and may be scaled to accommodate large populations of respondents. Ethnographic research or qualitative focus groups reveal deeper human thinking and emotional responses.

How can an Organisation develop an HX culture?

Your businesses must become intentional, cognitive, adaptive, and mindful of delivering authentic human experiences. You must continue to provide excellent UX and CX while working to meet higher-level customer demands or corporate responsibility. Organizations that prioritize providing genuine human experiences will stand to benefit the most from this new competitive edge.

We encourage you to consider how your products, services, and business practices affect the individuals you sell to and the entire globe.

The Bottomline

Conducting a qualitative market research study is the key to unlocking those all-important insights and learning how your brand can conform to what your customers truly desire. Request a quotation from Maction today to know more about how we can assist you with market research.