Quick Tips

Top marketing strategies to grow your business

Go global with these simple strategies!

Good news! Strategizing and creating out-of-the-box marketing solutions are no longer reserved for businesses with deeper pockets. Today, if you are in the market – you plan on going global one day or the other.

Let’s take McDonald’s for example. We all know that McDonald’s originates from San Bernardino, California in the United States. However, the first franchise that you see when you visit abroad happens to be McDonald’s. How? The brand started locally. Then how did it manage to go global? The answer is simple – “Glocal” marketing strategies.

Call it McArabia in middle eastern countries or spicy Korean burgers for South Korean palettes, McDonald’s has never failed to surprise us with their unique marketing strategies. Even if we talk about their latest “BTS Meal”- it sold out like hot cake in stores in and around every locality. That’s the power of unique strategies. That’s the power of marketing. So, how did they do it? It’s simple.

In the digital world, marketing has become multi-channel. Hence successful businesses rely on multiple marketing techniques. Here are the top 7 marketing strategies…Ready? Let’s find out!

Types of Marketing Strategies To Scale Your Business

A. Content Marketing:
Content is king and we know it! Content that is reliable, consistent, and relevant is the need of the hour and rightly so for any company. It is one of the most effective means to provide information about your business and a means to give details and enlighten customers to know your brand and product better.

Source: SEMrush

Content is king and we know it! Content that is reliable, consistent, and relevant is the need of the hour and rightly so for any company. It is one of the most effective means to provide information about your business and a means to give details and enlighten customers to know your brand and product better.

The Content Marketing strategy is used by leading companies like P&G, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, etc. 72% of companies state that content marketing increases their leads. Besides increasing sales, this method also draws loyal customers and is more practical than other methods

B. Organic Social Media Marketing:
Be present, be there! We know that social media is the man of the moment. One of its greatest aspects is that when compared to other means, it has unlimited access to a diverse audience. With an ever-growing population, the use of social media is also taking heights with a count of 3.78 billion social media users worldwide in 2021.

Source: PRNews Wire

This platform offers multiple creative ways to build the brand image and promote the same via blogs, videos, posts, etc. Organic social media holds an interactive space to build and grow for the company as well as a variety of options to put forth an interesting brand image.

C. Print Media:
One print can make a difference! Although there have been cases pointing toward the rise of social media, one cannot say that traditional print media has lost its roots. Newspapers, magazines, and so on still cater to the needs of a wide population over the world. Print media as a marketing strategy is effective to reach and convince the smaller portion that is still not into social media and the internet.

Source: Bouvier Kelly

This strategy also attracts a potential audience like other businessmen providing a better-targeted response. The one striking feature that print media has bagged over the years is that of reliability which indirectly promotes the same for the brand. With an expected growth rate of Rs 338 billion this year, print media still holds a position as one of the top marketing strategies.

D. Google My Business:
Who wouldn’t want their brands to pop up on a platform like Google visited by a million users? GMB is yet another simple and powerful tool to draw attention to your business, talk about your brand as well as provide maps for your company.

Source: WordStream

Who wouldn’t want their brands to pop up on a platform like Google visited by a million users? GMB is yet another simple and powerful tool to draw attention to your business, talk about your brand as well as provide maps for your company.

Statistics show that 84% of searches are discovery, while 16% are direct which means that the majority that you could lose due to lack of knowledge about your brand are also directed to your business. GMB is not only popular but also an innovative floor for you to feature multiple aspects of your business right from faculty, services, photos, and so on.

E. LinkedIn:
Last but not least, let’s talk about one of the most professional marketing strategies. If there is one place that still has organic reach, it’s Linkedln. LinkedIn promises great potential not only for customers but also for those businesses seeking employees and is an excellent platform to talk business. With more than 313 million members, setting up your business profile on this site puts your company forward on the map for others to see.

Source: Neil Patel

A peculiar feature of this strategy is that it not only allows the potential audience to see but also allows them to follow your profile and stay updated with your business. This means that LinkedIn also allows you to dynamically update your profile as well as add campaigns and much more.

These are few simple yet powerful strategies that, when put into good use, have the power to give an entire facelift to your business. You can be operating from any part of the world and still, you can use any of these strategies to get a kickstart to your business.

The Bottomline

Marketing strategy aids in the discovery of areas affected by organizational growth and, as a result, aids in the development of an organizational plan to meet customer expectations. It aids in determining the appropriate price for an organization’s goods and services based on market research data and here’s where Maction comes into play. With Maction, you are set to scale and grow your business beyond what you could ever imagine. That’s the power of market research. That’s the power of Maction.