customer & market understanding

survey on use and latitude


Get a snapshot of the competition from the point of view of your customers by knowing what they think about your goods and services and how they’re using them.

Looking for ideas for new product growth, want to learn how to do better in the market or where the focus of the next marketing message should be?

Studies on our use and mindset will help to provide an objective view from the viewpoint of the customer.

Our research on use and attitudes help you step into the shoes of your customers to gain a more realistic understanding of the category and its position within it. We have the wide-angle lens to help you see more, helping you to define what your brand stands for and find opportunities to move forward.

Adapted to your needs, we will help you recognize the brand’s defining features, the various categories that exist or the category’s most critical needs. All of our studies of use and attitudes are built around what’s next in the roadmap of your company – whether it’s planning to open a new market, developing a new marketing strategy or driving potential product growth.

Studies about the effect of use and attitude on your company may have:

  • Identify customer needs that can be capitalized on through new product development and marketing

    We provide you with an unfiltered, realistic view of market desires and challenges in the sector, enabling you to better address what your customers are looking for through new product growth, comms strategy and messaging.

  • Putting the mark in a competitive world

    We will use various strategies to place your brand in perspective against the competition. We will help you find the path to where you want to go by plotting you on a map-closing in on the competition, advancing your lead or defining your location.

  • Diagnostic the quality of the health of your brand to notify future strategy

    We can define where your brand is strongest, and where support is required, so you know where your brand building efforts should concentrate.