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How to build a customer experience feedback pyramid and measure it better?

Customer experience plays a vital role. When it comes to customer experience, every customer should keep two things in mind. The first thing is that today, customer experience is the topmost priority in business. The second? Businesses who don’t understand the first point are slimming their chances of growth.

CX or customer experience can help visualize and prioritize the formation of a customer approach. Gartner said that successful customer experience projects prioritize customer feedback and experience.

Every aspect of customers plays a crucial role on the side of the brand or company. They should know how to handle their targeted audience and arrange the order of experiences. Every element in customer experience has its relevance and importance, which matters and affects the brand’s name and business.

1. What is a CX Pyramid?

Source: Medium

CX is the acronym for customer experience, which focuses on two perspectives. The first one focuses on individual sections and every opinion of customer service. Joshua Rossman introduced this type of customer experience; the VP of CX at Oracle believes that customer experience could be made more effective if all dimensions and pieces are put together to understand them Successful feedback comprises all elements put together, focusing on visualizing and judging all the customers and their experience with feedback without differentiating them.

Gartner introduced it in the year 2018. It focuses on categorizing customer experience by making a successful impact add. He believed that every individual’s expertise completes the bottom layer demands. It creates basic expectations and successful feedback. Gartner believes that this pyramid would help every customer touchpoints like interaction, sale, product service, and individual judgment could help understand how well a company is delivering at every stage.

2. Difference between customer journey map and customer experience pyramid

Customer journey maps are the visual representation of the customer journey on the soft boards or balls. It can be named as user journey as it helps companies understand the journey with their customers at different points of time. Most companies prefer using customer maps from the initial to the last stage.

There are many other characteristics of customer experience like names of the brand and its influence, service offered to customers, medium of interaction with customers, pricing template, marketing, and communication techniques used. According to Forrester’s comment, every individual factor can affect overall service. They all are interrelated together.

According to a recent survey of CX leaders, most companies prefer making journey maps with cross-functional partners. Less than 50% stated that customer journey maps offer top customer experience benefits.

3. Ways to build your CX pyramid

Source: Gartner

To create a compelling and successful see ex pyramid, you need to combine all factors so that every element plays equal importance with your customer journey map. There should be three layers of your model.

Layers of the pyramid

  • Base
  • Middle layer
  • Top player

Base:  It is the most specific part where you must mention all relevant points like customer support interactions. You need to mention 5-7 points prioritizing valid points. While making these points, you also need to check the type of your company regardless of whether you are B2C or B2B company for positive results.

Middle layer: This layer focuses more on interactions and their journal experience view like customer service brand and products. It is the part where you can distinguish yourself from others and meet their basic expectations.

Topplayer: This is the topmost layer, which includes your customer’s experience. What are their feedbacks, and what are their opinions about your company.

4. Analytical measurement of CX pyramid

Source: SurveyMonkey

After establishing your CX pyramid, you can tear your feedback in chronicle orders. Joshua uses these types of pyramids.

  • Tier1 in CX refers to codes you are already in a relationship commitment with the top of your CX measurement pyramid.
  • Tier2 includes questions about brand attributes to evaluate your company based on 6 to 10 different factors.
  • Tier3 After particular action of the customer, service can help you cover a customer touchpoint consistently and quickly.

The Bottomline

Business does not grow and operate in silos. Many expectations and factors play an essential role in your industry. Tracing the various expectations of customer experience can guide you to protect yourself from falling into the trap of scribing changes to the false cause. For visualizing results, the customer experience can be a better way because, in this method, all these stakeholders and clients can see the changes and their overall feedback from the customer side. This article focused intensely on every piece of customer expectation and different ways to affect it