
Source: Corporate Professionals
Quick Tips

Why CSR research matters to businesses and how to do it?

“Businesses cannot be successful when the society around them fails.” If you are a businessman whose sole objective is to make profits and make zero contribution towards your social image which triggers unten...

Quick Tips

Why outsourcing has a great proposition for market research firms?

Your marketing team is doing its best to nail those marketing strategies and line up some amazing ideas to outperform your competitors in the market. In fact, till a certain point, they did well too. But, what’...

Source: Taboola
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How to test your Ads and campaigns effectiveness

Solution for a digital era problem! The most creative method of customer acquisition for any company is a persuasive advertisement. Millions of dollars are invested in advertising their products and services....

Source: Taboola
Quick Tips

How to Conduct A Customer Segmentation Study and why it is so important?

A Love Letter from A Marketer! The beautiful aroma of your favorite coffee is enough to kickstart your day and have all the adrenaline rushing through your body screaming ….” productive”. But, what if you are...

Chat bot future marketing technology concept. Electric circuit graphic and infographic of chatbot , robot , artificial intelligence , operator gear icons
Quick Tips

How AI is changing the way Market Research is done

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are no longer some complex technical jargon. In our day to day life, face recognition, personalized shopping reviews, and smart personal assistants like Siri, Alexa,...

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Things to consider while selecting a market research firm

Finding market research agencies is not difficult. One single Google search can pop up thousands of market research firms globally. However, finding the right research agency could be tricky. Choosing the wrong...

Source: Secretstache
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How to improve funnel conversions using UX research

“Empathy is the heart of design. Without the understanding of what others see, feel and experience, design is a pointless task.” -Tim Brown ,  CEO of the Innovation and design firm IDEO What is User Experience ...

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How to reduce cancellations and customer churning

No matter how great your product is, it is very likely that 40–60% of your free trial users never see the product a second time. — Samuel Hulick, Author of ‘The Elements of User Onboarding’ Whether or not you’v...